What Should You Do When A Loss Occurs?

If you have a loss – no matter how small – it can be a traumatic experience. Your Agent and people here at Eastern Iowa Mutual Insurance Association want to reduce your exposure to this trauma to make it less stressful for you. We hope the following information will do just that.

No matter what type of a loss, you must take reasonable steps to protect your property to avoid further damage.

Step 1 – Protect Property From Further Damage

  • In case of roof damage – tarp the roof to avoid water or other damage to the inside
  • Insulate and/or board up after fire, wind, or a break-in loss to secure property. This could also prevent freeze up or additional damage.
  • When appropriate shut off the water

If at all possible during the winter, maintain heat in the building to avoid additional frozen pipes or plumbing damages. If impossible to maintain heat, put anti-freeze into all plumbing fixtures and if necessary contact a plumber to winterize the plumbing.

Step 2 – Repairs

  • Only do those repairs necessary to prevent further damage such as temporary repairs or in the situation of electrical, heating or plumbing problems where further damage can occur.
  • Give the Association an opportunity to see the damage.
  • In case of lightning damage to a computer or other appliance please do not destroy the item until the field staff has seen it.

Step 3 – Contact Your Agent

Promptly call your Agent to provide him/her with the date, time & cause of loss. Be sure to give your current address, daytime & nighttime phone number or current phone number of a contact person. Correct and current information will ensure that we can reach you to better service your needs.

Step 4 – Get Estimate

Obtain a detailed repair estimate from a contractor that you will be using to do final repairs or who may be fixing a computer or damaged appliance. Send estimates and repair bills directly to our office at Eastern Iowa Mutual Insurance Association; 506 1st Avenue South, Mt. Vernon, IA 52314.

Step 5 – Damage to Personal Property

Complete an inventory of your personal property – list all damaged property room by room.

Step 6 – Additional Information

If there is additional information you feel we should have, please write it down and mail it to us.

Your Claim Is Important To Us

Your claim is an obligation we assumed when we provided you with your insurance policy. Once the claim is reported to us it will be serviced by one of our personnel. Prompt and efficient handling of your claim within the first 24 hours from the time the claim is reported to us is something we take pride in.

If you are not satisfied with your claim adjustment please let us know. We will review your claim to see if something has been missed according to the terms of your policy.